About Us
Welcome to K&O Wax Melts.
A mother and daughter duo, my name is Kerry and my daughter is Olivia and this is where K&O started.
Olivia has grown up so fast and is about to leave school so this has given me something to focus on and we can do together wether its making them or just getting in the car and helping me deliver.
We love anything with a scent, especially perfumes, sprays and home scents so when I came across wax melts I found my new obsession.
It took over, it’s all I could think about. I did research after research then I purchased my little wax melt kit and that got me going, I literally couldn’t sleep. I loved every minute of making and testing, this was in between working full time nights.
Strong scents are what do it for me not faint or suttle so thats what my aim was, I tested so many waxes and fragrance oils and then I found what worked for me which is my own parasoy blend of wax mixed by myself at home. The maximum percentage of fragrance oil is used and this creates strong and long lasting melts that fill your home with beautiful scents.
It started out as just a hobby then I started to sell to family and friends and since then its just got bigger and better. Revealing the gorgeous melts in the bars and different shapes when they are set with the colours and glitter never gets old, sometimes I’m just to impatient to wait.
A scent is the first thing a person notices when they enter your home. Scents determine our mood and feelings, they can also trigger memories.
All it takes is one scent to bring back a thousand memories for example childhood memories so let K&O wax melts scent your home and bring back memories for you with a little bit of luxury and sparkle.
Thank you to every single one of you that has purchased from me, shared my Facebook group/page or just helped support my little buisness, I appreciate every single one of you.